Do you love travelling and experiencing new countries as an Indian citizen? But do you also find the process of visa application for Indians stressful and tiring? Look no further. In this blog post, we will go through each aspect of applying for a visa and look at Atlys, a trusted partner that can handle any application issue. When using Atlys, you can overcome any issue with your visa application to ensure a smooth and stress-free process. Let’s jump in.

Alt Tag: Map, Laptop, and passport are all ready to start your visa application for Indians.

The Usual Process When Applying For Your Visa

Let's briefly go through the typical process of a visa application for Indians. Applying for your visa can take a lot of time and effort. Your full attention is required at each step, from completing forms to sending supporting materials, to prevent delays or rejections.

Here are some of the more confusing parts of applying for your visa:

Gathering documents: Sometimes, gathering your documents can be hard, especially if you are not sure what documents to get and how detailed they must be.

Detailed documents: When you submit your documents, you need to make sure they are all filled in correctly and have all the necessary information on them. If the slightest bit of information is missing, your visa will be delayed.

Adding your photo: When you apply for your visa, you will need to provide photos so that they can be added to your visa. This can be a lot harder than it sounds, as the photos need to be of exact size and measurements.

Complex Application Processes: Visa application processes can be intricate and confusing, with various forms to fill out, fees to pay, and specific instructions to follow. Each country has its own set of rules and regulations, and understanding and navigating through the process can be daunting for applicants.

What Is Atlys?

Atlys is a well-known online portal that simplifies the process of visa application for Indians. Atlys is specifically designed to help individuals ease the visa application process and ensure a hassle-free experience by providing a user-friendly platform that guides applicants through a few easy steps, making the application process more straightforward and convenient.

Atlys helps you with the required documents by giving you a list of the exact documents you need, and they also simplify the process by ensuring all your documents are filled in fully. Another great thing about Atlys is the photo tool. This tool ensures your photo is correct when it comes to size and measurements.

Applying for your visa through Atlys will take less than 10 minutes, allowing your visa to quickly start the processing journey.

Why Can The Process Of Applying For A Visa Be So Complicated?

Sometimes you really want to visit that special country, but obtaining a visa for that specific country might be difficult. There are many reasons for this, and it depends on the country you want to visit. Here are some of the reasons: 

Strict requirements: Some countries have very strict requirements when it comes to documents to ensure that you meet their specific standards. 

Time-consuming procedures: There are multiple reasons why the process can take a long time, especially if it gets to the point of background checks, verifying documents, and interviews.

A high percentage of rejection: This is when the immigration office denies your visa, mainly because of incomplete documents, a lack of finances, or not having good enough proof of your reasons for travel.

5 Hardest Countries To Find Visas For As An Indian

Next up, we will go through some countries that will be the hardest to get a visa from and the reasons why it might take so long. Here are the three countries:

United States:

One of the hardest visas to get from India is for the USA due to the strict visa requirements. The documentation process can be lengthy, But when it comes to the documents, there is a lot of proof to provide, such as financial stability, trip schedules, hotel information, and more. Meeting these requirements can be difficult and time-consuming because even small mistakes or omissions can cause delays or visa rejections.


The processing of an Australian visa application for Indians does take quite some time—on average, about 45 days. The application also requires a bit of your time since many documents are required. The application must include detailed information, such as a personal history, employment experience, and educational background. In-depth character and health checks are also carried out, which may increase the processing time overall.


Indian nationals are denied visas to China at a fairly high rate. The nation has high standards, and your application is being examined in every detail. So keep this in mind when submitting detailed travel plans, accommodation reservations, and financial stability documents. Even small errors or a lack of supporting evidence may result in a visa denial.


Japan has very strict requirements when it comes to their application. They focus a lot on flight itineraries and proof of accommodation. Your documents need to be very detailed, and you need strong proof that you are only visiting temporarily. 

Saudi Arabia:

Saudi Arabia visa is lengthy, and the country is very strict with its culture and specifics. This is why they have a few different laws when it comes to applying for a visa, such as respecting  specific cultural standards and regulations, 

Atlys Is Ready To Help.

Atlys is there to help you with all your visa application needs and struggles. Let’s go through what they provide to make the process easier.

Expert Advice: Atlys has a team specialising in applying for visas to make the application smooth and easy. They will handle all the complicated stages of submitting the documents and dealing with visa processing.

Assisting with documents: Gathering and organising the required documents and ensuring your photo is correct is an important part of a successful visa application for Indians. Atlys ensures that all of the required information is submitted precisely and on time, reducing the possibility of delays or rejections.

Process optimisation: By avoiding common problems and errors, Atlys helps you speed up the application process. By just following the guides, you are ensured a stress-free and easy application process.

Visa application tracking: With Atlys, you can track visa applications and determine the state of your visa. This helps you stay up to date with your visa processing and helps you plan your travels.

In The End

We have seen now that the process of applying for a visa can be quite difficult and time-consuming. But with the right partner, you can simplify the process and ensure you focus on your travels and not try to sort out visas.

By using Atlys as your trusted online visa portal, you can cover all the required steps, track your visa application, and even enjoy applying for your visa.


How long does the visa application usually take?

Depending on the country and visa type, the time required to apply for a visa can change. Atlys will examine the application and the difficulty of the visa and then provide you with a processing time. Atlys guarantees you that you will get your visa within that given time. 

Can you guarantee visa approval?

Atlys can’t guarantee visa approval, but with care and in-depth detail of the specific documents, the chance of a successful visa is much higher.

Where can I apply for my e-visa?

You can apply for your online e-visa by simply going to Atlys, signing up, and experiencing the ease of online visa application for Indian citizens.

What happens if my visa is rejected?

If your visa is denied, you will be informed what the reasons are, and from there, you can correct the required information and reapply.